St Peter's Community Primary School

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Year 3

This term in Lagoon Class...

Year 3 Summer 1 – This Half Term’s Exciting Learning

Our brand new class topic is called ‘Beside the Seaside’. This term in history, we will be going back in time to the Georgian era (1714 – 1830) and learning about why the Royal Pavilion is a special historical building.

In English we will be focussing on a range of writing outcomes:

· Writing a scientific description of a hedgehog (linked to a hands-on experience in school)

· Diary writing as Varjak Paw

· Using direct speech in role as one of Varjak’s family members

· Non-chronological report about Brighton Pavilion

· Writing and publishing a newspaper report linked to Varjak Paw

Key vocabulary in connection to English: ancestor, Mesopotamian Blue, adventure, cackled, cat, kitten, enthralled, corrupted, meowed

Key Vocabulary in connection to our history learning: Royal Pavilion, architect, century, decade ruling monarch, seaside resort, national event

In mathematics lessons, we are focusing on learning about volume and capacity, time, graphs and fractions. Kindly see the attached curriculum map to see an overview of this term’s exciting learning!

Just to kindly remind you that PE will be on Fridays, so please continue to send your children to school in their PE kits on this day. If there are any changes to this, a school text reminder will be sent with sufficient notice.

Home-learning will given out on Thursdays, on a weekly basis and will alternate between maths learning and literacy. Please aim to submit the completed learning by paper copy, on Teams (under the assignments tab) or by email. I would ask that all children continue to read at least three times a week for 20 minutes or listen to an audio book to build their reading stamina and encourage reading for pleasure. Children have been asked to record a summary of what they have read in yellow reading journals.

Finally, if you do have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me and I will come back to you. You can of course continue to catch me at the gate in the mornings or after school. If I am not at the gate for any reason, you can always pass a message through the Year 3 team: Mrs B, Ms Luxford or Ms Parkin.

Ms Nimoh - Year 3 Teacher


Y3 Topic Web Summer 1 2023

Y3 Topic Wed Spring 2 2023

Y3 Topic Web Spring 2023

Y3 Temples, Tombs and Treasure topic web Aut 22

Y3 Brainwave Topic Web Autumn 2022

Click on the links below for more Year 3 information.






Click on the image below for photos of our recent activities in Year 3!