St Peter's Community Primary School

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Year 4

This term in Harbour Class...

Welcome to a new academic year at St Peter’s! I am really looking forward teaching Harbour class this year!  

We have an exhilarating and exciting year ahead planned, kicking off with our opening topic ‘Brainwave’ – this will give us the opportunity to explore how we learn best.  Also, we are reflecting on the link between the body and the brain whilst identifying what helps us learn most effectively.  

 We will start our Year 4 learning by focusing on what makes us ready to learn and feel well in ourselves through the topic, ‘Brainwave’. 

As part of the PSHE Jigsaw curriculum, we are focused on ‘Being In My World’ - looking at who we are and how we fit in at school and into the classroom team.

In mathematics lessons, we are learning about place value and are developing our addition skills involving thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.

In English lessons, we are exploring the poetry book, ‘Hot Like Fire’ by Valerie Bloom. We will be exploring Valerie Bloom’s sizzling poems, written in Jamaican Creole and some in standard English, which bring light and life to different aspects of everyday life. We will be exploring, discussing and analysing her poetry. Finally, creating our own poems to perform to an audience.

In guided reading, we are developing our VIPERS reading skills and applying these to a range of fiction and non-fiction extracts in guided reading sessions.

Hinduism is our focus in RE – we will be learning about the many gods and how worship might look. 

Initially in art, we are designing papier maché masks, with 3D elements, which visually show how we learn as part of the Brainwave topic.

During the latter part of the autumn term, our topic learning will take a history and geography focus - based on the ancient Egyptians. 

The curriculum map provides an overview of the areas of learning across the different subjects. 

 I would just like to take this opportunity to raise a few matters which are important for year 4:  

  • This half term, I will teach the class every day, except Friday afternoon, when they will be taught by a PE and music specialist teacher. 
  • Y4’s PE lessons are on Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon, so children must come to school wearing their PE kit with a school jumper or cardigan.
  • Home-learning is an important part of learning for children and we use MS Teams to provide it. Home-learning will be set on Friday and expected back by the following Friday.
  • With your support, children can practise their spellings, maths and literacy skills from the materials online. 

If possible, we also ask that you read to or with your child for 15-20 minutes at least 3 times a week. Children will have the option to bring library books home on a weekly basis. This is crucial for improving their fluency and stamina, as well as giving them the chance to extend the range of authors and genres.

Miss Haste - Year 4 Teacher


 Y4 Brainwave Topic - Autumn 2022

Click on the links below for more Year 4 information.


Year 4 residential information

Coming soon

Click on the image below for photos of our recent activities in Year 4!